Going big, not home

Why come to Nepal if you're not going to trek? And why bother trekking if you're not going to do the best one? And by best, I mean longest, hardest, and highest. Ah yes, the Annapurna circuit is what Lifa and I have decided to do. The 21 day hike takes you around the Annapurna range and up to about 5400 meters. To put that into perspective the top of Whistler mountain is 2182 meters. We leave tomorrow with our porter but no guide (don't worry, we have a map!). We've fitted ourselves out with all the latest trekking gear: baseball hat, rain covers, and of course super cool walking sticks with built in compasses!
The deal is hike high, sleep low. We leave early in the morning (like 5-6am) and hike for 6-8 hours then eat and sleep in little tea houses along the way.
So the moral of the story is, google Annapurna, check it out and think of me on October 21st taking 3 breaths for every step. Oh man, I'm gonna die.
Peace out for 3 weeks.
i know you're not gonna get this for a while but i just wanted to say that i got your card in the mail a few days ago. Thank you so much, it was really sweet!! And i loved the card. so appropriate!
love anne
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