"Welcome to India. I want to have sex with you."

Contrary to my tourist-geared 'Incredible India' map which assures me when I arrive in India I will be greeted with a warm "Namaste", an "expression of both welcome and respect", I am greeted with this (see post title).
Back in India. Back in India.
After a last day of explosive shopping in Kathmandiggigy (good one Katie) Lifa and I took a flight back into Delhi, where this time, we dominated. Rickshaws, hotels, aloo gobi, shoes, trains...we rocked it all in less than 12 hours and were on our way to Jaipur in no time. A smooth 5 hours later we were bunkered down in our itty bitty 8ft by 8ft room planning our next 4 weeks in this bazaar country. First and foremost on the list was to experience a Bollywood flick at "THE" place to go see one - the Raj Mawal Theater...pretty much the equivalent to the Orphum in Vancouver. Faaaaaannnncccccy! We went to buy our dollar fifty tickets in advance and on the way found McIndia! I mean, McDonalds! Fries and shakes were a must before the movie and yes, they were the best fries and shake I've ever had in my life.
Ok, so the movie. "Don" (www.donthefilm.com)(or see Lifa's blog) was pretty much the Hindi version of all the best flicks I've ever seen combined into one. Three hours and one intermission went by and we didn't understand anything, but that's not the point. The point is this movie was romance, musical, action, drama, suspense, thriller and comedy all packed into one! Not only did everyone in the movie appear more good looking than anyone I've seen in India so far, the dance numbers alone were just out of this world. From the 'I'm seducing you and doing aerobics on the bars on your bed' number, to, my personal favorite 'I got a brain transplant, couldn't remember anything but now I do...Praise Vishnu!' number. They were all just so head wobbly, big smiley, arm extravagant pieces of art! So funny, so so funny. Laura and I will be testing out our newly learned dance moves in Mumbai's club scene. I mean, I know we could never pull off the 'wet sari' number but we're going to try just for the fun of it.
Ok, so Jaipur. It was full of forts and old stuff. As Laura calls it. "cultural shit". So we did all that, got really dirty and sweaty, swatted at lots of begging children, and enjoyed two McVeg nights at McD's because there was really nowhere else to eat. In a nutshell we checked out the fort, palace, and Mahal that they had going on. Everything was pink, as the city as known for it's pinkyness, and now for it's rude pubescent school boys (again, see post title).
But just so you know, the tables have turned. India Round II - bring it!
JusFa: 88
India: Nada!
You crack me up!! Love it...
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